Wills & Estates
Wills, Deeds, Estate Plans

I am prepared to help you form an estate plan. An estate plan will ensure: 1) that your property gets to the people that you intend; 2) that the Government gets as little of your estate as possible; and 3) that your surviving family members are spared from potential future litigation.
Certain assets will not go through the probate process. Some of these include transfer-on-death (TOD) accounts, land owned as a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship, life insurance proceeds, and property you give away during your life.
If you die without a will then your estate will be distributed through intestate succession. In Mississippi, the surviving spouse does not receive the entire estate automatically. Rather, the surviving spouse shares equal ownership with the surviving children.
VA & Military Law
Separations, Courts-Martial, Entitlements

I am prepared to represent your interests concerning your military career. You can generally hire a private attorney in addition to government-provided counsel to represent you in Courts-Martial as well as in administrative matters such as separations.
Federal and state law provide special protections for military. The Military Lending Act caps interest rates on financial products at 36%. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act prohibits bill collectors from contacting you once you are represented by an attorney. The Truth in Lending Act may give you the right to claim double damages based on the finance charge against a violating lender.
The Uniformed Services Employment Employment and Reemployment Rights Act protects Active, Reserve, and Guard Service Members from being discriminated or retaliated against by his or her private or government employer because of military service. These protections apply to drill, battle assembly and all deployments.
Business & Contracts
Business Entities, Landlord & Tenant, Sales

Your business is important because you started it. Moreover, our laws provide special classifications for certain businesses. I am ready to help you decide how to form and how to protect your business.
You may want to form into a business entity to enjoy certain protections from legal liability. General Partners share liability while limited liability partners do not share liability for the partnership. A corporation's share holders and a limited liability company members are shielded from liability. Aside from liability, you will need to consider the rules governing your entity. Proper planning may prevent costly future litigation.
The general law of contracts based on court opinions govern most contracts. On the other hand, Mississippi's version of the Uniform Commercial Code governs the sale of goods. This is a statutory scheme that can be very different in terms of formation, breach, and damages.
Personal Injury
Wrecks, Injury, Wrongful Death

Your rights to compensation after an injury are found in both the Mississippi and United States Constitutions and are older than both. I am poised to help you protect your rights.
Proceeds from wrongful death awards are not distributed on the same basis as the law of wills or intestate succession. Only the statutory beneficiaries have standing to bring a wrongful death claim before a court.
Statutes of limitation may bar your potential claim after a certain amount of time passes from the injury. The period of time varies depending on the type of claim. In most claims based on negligence a plaintiff has generally three years to file a claim. The statute of limitation for certain claims may only be one year.